My interactions with the newcomers: #04 | Curated 5 posts with the #introduceyourself tag

in Curated Collections3 years ago

Hi, there! It is my 4th curated content collection (CCC) post on the #introduceyouself tag. I have read, curated and commented on each of the 5 posts. A warm welcome and a few suggestions may help them start a smooth journey here.

Let me introduce you to Karin Aguilar (@karin123), a musician and music teacher from Venezuela. Besides music, she has strong affections for animals especially cats and dogs. She has a strong will to build a foundation from which she can manage some money for building animal shelters.
Let's greet Lawrence (@anilawred), a 24-years old architect from Nigeria. He has a beautiful smiling face. He loves video games, playing Basketball, having a brisk walk and enjoying landscape views. He can’t live a day without music!
Say hello to Maria Quintero (@soymarieu), a 32 years old journalist from Venezuela. She is currently living with her mother and a 7-years old cat. Amid the corona pandemic, she is trying to earn some extra income by freelancing to support her family.
Let us welcome @simplyjas0n. He is a life-long diabetic (Type 1). He was born in the UK but now lives in Spain. Despite living with diabetes for 50 years, he has travelled to a good number of countries and enjoyed his life a lot, so far. Currently, he is living with his wife, 3 dogs, 5 horses and 2 cats.
Meet Meryem (@mrymkrdk), from Istanbul. She loves to travel and takes part in various sports activities.

And, finally, let me introduce the WeAreAlive tribe to you.

WeAreAlive tribe: An active and promising tribe on Hive

Do you know that we have an active community (I am alive challenge) or tribe (WeAreAlive) on the Hive blockchain, and it is easy to participate? You have to just tell the world that you are alive. Follow these easy steps mentioned in the following image and/or visit here

image credit goes to @flaxz

This tribe has its token known as ALIVE token. Meaning, by participating in the tribe (or community), besides $hive, you can earn ALIVE token as well in your Hive-engine (H-E) wallet. You can earn ALIVE tokens in the following ways:

  • As Author rewards: From your posts with #alive tag and quality & meaningful comments, upvoted by the community account and top ALIVE token holders.

  • As Curation reward: If you stake the ALIVE token in your H-E wallet, you can curate other members posts/comments and earn ALIVE tokens. The reward is split 50-50 between the author and curator.

  • By Mining ALIVEM tokens: You can buy ALIVEM tokens in the H-E and stake. This mining token will give you ALIVE tokens. In this tribe, the price and availability of the mining token are kinda different. Currently, 1000 ALIVEM is in circulation and anyone can buy with 5 hives each. For the next 1000 ALIVEM, the price will be double (10 hives) and it will keep doubling for every subsequent 1000 ALIVEM. So, if you want to buy the mining token, now is the time. About ALIVEM

  • By getting tips: You can get 0.1 ALIVE tokens as a tip for every meaningful comment in the community or tribe. The token holders can distribute the tips.

  • By taking part in the contest: The person behind the tribe/community is @flaxz. Currently, he is arranging a weekly contest where you can get ALIVE tokens if you stake your token in the H-E wallet. About the contest

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Nice initative dear... appreciate your efforts... hope this will attract more people to the community..

@gurseerat, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Thanks a lot, mate.
I am also hoping that.

Thanks you for finding and introducing us to these fine people. Appreciate it.

It's my pleasure. Thanks for reading and commenting on my post.

Nice initative dear... appreciate your efforts... hope this will attract more people to the community..

@gurseerat, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
