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RE: ED weekly posting topic: HOLIDAYS

in Ecencylast year

We don't do proper holiday's over here like you do over there. I'd say we do vacations, but I think the concept is totally different. The way you guys talk about it, it feels like more of a grand event. That or almost like a way of life. That definitely isn't the case over here. I guess I'd love to see some check boxes as to what qualifies something as a "holiday". I have a trip planned in a couple of months, but I wouldn't call it a holiday and it isn't anything really extravagant really.


Hmm, you got me thinking there a bit. I think the holidays/vacations are pretty much the same interchangeable word with sommer or winter vacation. I guess it can also mean days off from work, but I think a holiday is more going away somewhere. There are usually fixed times when things slow down and most families are on holiday or in holiday mode here, probably it is a way of life, I'm not sure about extravagant.

Yeah, see things are a bit more haphazard here. I mean sure around the calendar holiday's you might get people traveling, but I don't think it is a set thing where everything slows down. I could be wrong though.

I think people without kids travel more outside the set times, but here for example, things slow down for 2 weeks over easter, 6/8 weeks over summer and 2 weeks at Christmas time as so many people are out on vacation and kids are off from school. I think in France and Spain the whole country goes on holiday in August for example so the cities are more empty except with tourists.

That is interesting. We tend to travel all through the year. We have Spring Break in March and stuff like that. College Spring Break and grade school spring breaks are usually at different times though.

I think that goes on here too because it is much cheaper to travel out of season. I would prefer to go a little out of season so that it isn't so busy or hot in the summertime.