Days Gone: I Brought You Something

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers.

In the last episode of Days Gone I dealt with some loose ends. The drifters were becoming a serious, especially the last few weeks, is it getting that bad out there? The problem in dealing with these drifters and their hideouts was that if you clear out one camp there will just always be another one.

The last drifter encampment really taught me a valuable lesson, it was that they are strongest when roaming around in packs on the motorcycles but come to their doorstep hiding in the shadows and they have no strength at all. Hit them so hard they think it's ten men falling down on them when actually it's one.

As soon as I was done dealing with the drifters in their hideout between the mountains Tucker contacted me to chase down Roach who had stolen some of her drugs. Well A job is a job and besides this was one of Leon's buddies and I still don't approve of what Leon did to Alvarez. Would if I could beat his head in again.

But first I needed to stock up on some ammo here I've gotten quite low on everything clearing out the drifter camp. Yeah Tucker ain't going to like seeing me at the camp without her prize but she'll get it none the less.

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It was under 900 meters away from Hot Springs Survivor Camp so I could make it there and to where ever Tucker was planning on sending me before the sun came up to mark the dawn of tomorrow.

After arriving at the location, which was a burned down house that had absolutely nothing left. Now I a assuming the prize is stashed somewhere beneath a pile of rocks or in a kicked over trash can. Perhaps I am too late and Roach already managed to pick up the stash.


Perhaps it was never here in the first place.

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Digging In The Roach's Nest.

Oh well of-course Roach would have all the qualities of a roach... Always where you don't want it to be.

I got off the motorcycle and started searching in and around the burnt down house, there must have been a reason that Tucker pointed me towards this house. I gotta find something!

And I did.

I found both the stash and the Roach.

While I was digging up the stash Roach came around the corner hard, sending bullets my way.

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It was clear that this was going to be one hard chase in the early morning hours, who knows who might not come out at the finishing line.

As always a Roach never runs alone, he had some of his mad dogs gunning along with him and every time I got near him they would come riding up from behind. It made things a great deal harder but I've got a full tank of fuel and I have nothing but time on my hands.

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I did manage to kill the closest mad dog of his but in all the confusion of getting shot at and trying to shoot back I veered off the road and had to make my way back onto it.

As I was busy trying to get back onto the road in one piece I didn't notice another mad dog of his coming up from behind me and the moment I landed back onto the road to continue the chase the fucker drove right over me.

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Thankfully the fall was in my favour and I didn't manage to break any limbs and the motorcycle was still in a running condition.

The first thing that came to mind was to jump back up and on the motorcycle, this Roach bastard is surely going to pay this time around

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I Ain't Do Nothin.

Why is that always there first response after getting caught running away? I mean why run away like your life depended on it in the first place?

Well I caught up with ya Roach.

It was a tight chase and a meaningless one to be honest, I wasted more than I gained. I used up all my 9mm bullets on this dodgy sewer bastard and I couldn't even get the chance to end him, yeah Tucker wanted this one alive. I suppose she has unfinished business with him.

Oh you should have heard him screaming when he saw I was planning on leaving him right there for Tucker to stumble across.

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Something For Lisa

I decided to make the rounds and say hi to Lisa over at Hot Springs Survivor Camp. Although I couldn't exactly show up empty handed now could I?

I knew of some old museum at the Belknap Caves National Monument. They had a little shop there that sold rocks, well might be they can give me one for free now, since I'll be their first walk in customer in quite a long time.

She mentioned something along the lines of a Thunderegg back when I first met her in Marion Forks. Might be it would soothe her somewhat, I know life in the camp isn't always all that great.

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Needless to say things have changed here.

Especially so the exterior decoration of the building, it has become somewhat more culty?

Banners and blood marks everything here, yet I didn't run into any sort of cult, not even a single soul tried to ambush me. Must be the freakers got them.

I did however manage to get a ThunderEgg for Lisa. I really hope she likes is.

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Kill One And Two Others Take Their Place.

Remember when I said that it really is of no use killing these drifters that keeps setting up ambushes? Well I was once again ambushed near the closest gas station to Hot Springs Survivor Camp and the fact that they are pulling these heists so close to Tucker is making me damn worries!

Isn't it perhaps Tucker staging them?

They were wholly unprepared for what they managed to get themselves into and the only thing that can quiet them is some lead.

I didn't linger there for longer than I had to.

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It wasn't long either before I ran into the next ambush.

You know there was a time where these roads were safe to travel on, a time when Copeland and Tucker stood together keeping these drifters at bay. Now it's nothing more than common turf war fights.

This time I was in for a great deal of danger.

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It must be the fear of dying that kicks into action every time I find myself in a dire life threatening situation because before I can find myself I am already standing straight up with my rifle unleashing those pills of lead.

What kind of mindless people would chase a man that is of right mental health that also carries an AR with clubs and machetes?

Drugs are bad mmmkaaay.

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She Won't Understand, Not Now.

I found Lisa sitting alone in the camping area, some part of me is glad that she hasn't made friends with these scoundrels scouring for food and the other part is sad for her being all alone.

As soon as I greeted her she shunned me away but I extended her the gift and I don't think she meaned to shun me away. I think things are hard here at the camp, having to work for every little thing you desire and that meant only to eat.

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The moment I saw that look in her face I knew that she wanted to ask something of me.

It was something I could not give her, not yet at-least.

She wanted me to take her with me, back to Marion Forks. As much as I wanted to do just that I simply could not, it wasn't safe it isn't safe... I know she won't understand now but her being alive is far more valuable to me than her lying face down in the mud.

She won't be happy.

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And she wasn't happy.

Some part of me wishes that I could explain this to her using different words, rather than those making her feel unwanted.

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Dated 14/07/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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sounds and looks like fun :D

I still like the story. I think that if the ambushes stopped appearing, it would end up happening like in Far Cry 3, in which later it became boring not having someone to shoot, after taking over the pirate camps.