My Little Onion Sprout!

in HiveGarden9 months ago

Well Hello There Fellow Hivers!

This is out of the ordinary for me and I like it!

Don't Tell Me This Isn't Going To Work!

Friday at work I spotted this onion that had already started sprouting right out of the bag and it gave me the idea to plant it. Now I don't know much about planting or plants other than the fact that I know I like trees and that they need water. So truth be told I had no idea if this is actually going to grow.

Most people weren't of much help either, half of the people I asked said it wont grow and the other half said it'll grow. Now as far as google is concerned it's not going to make onions but it will make a sprout of some sorts and then those sprouts can be replanted and apparently then it will make onions.

Now this will be my first time posting in the "Hive Gardening" community, so to all who read this "Hi!"

I know this isn't really a garden that I am working on but it's still a plant none the less! So bear with me as I plant this in a pot! Let's hope it actually grows so that I can replant them in a garden.

I've always wanted to start a garden but it has to be in my own place where I get to make the decisions otherwise it feels like I'm going nowhere fast. Almost like driving a race car below the speed limit. It's just no fun.

Let's get into it!


Okay I know this is a bit overkill on the soiling for the onion, it really is!

But this isn't all just for the onion! No no, The Betty wanted to plant some potatoes and she needed a lot of potting mix. It so just happened to be that I wanted a little scoop from it!

While The Betty organized her potatoes I organized my onion, the cat well she's just nosey.


Yesterday I noticed the onion was going dry real fast because things were a little hectic and we couldn't do everything we wanted, hence going to the nursery to get the pot soil.

So I decided to put it in a little water and maybe keep it hydrated that way. The thought that went through my head was that this was already to late, I should have put it in water on Friday already!


Truth Be told I was wrong, I really should stop doubting myself!

I say this because mostly everyone said it won't grow and look it already started to grow just by putting it in water! Now imagine it getting soil and nutrients!

It'll grow and I'll prove everyone wrong! Damn that is going to feel nice! "Given if I don't let it die! Laughs!"


Getting The Soil Ready!

As far as I have it just normal dirt would work just as fine right? I don't really know but since the soiling mix has a lot of nutrients in it I thought it be wise to add it just for the boost the little sprout needs. Although I think he is going on strong by himself!


I had to add a little more soiling mix just to be sure that I had enough in because the colour didn't change much after I added it. So a little bit more won't hurt!

The Betty then told me because the ground is more red it would take a lot more for it to discolour, so I left it be and didn't add anymore on top of that!


All mixed in nicely!


Well this doesn't happen everyday! This is much like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears! I got this just right, the first time though!


After making a nice little hole in the ground for the sprout to sleep in I decided to keep the sprouts up right on their own, the roots would find their own way down or at-least I do hope so.

I don't suppose it really matters since I will be replanting it if it lives and grows!

The excitement is already building up, for some weird reason I feel like a kid again!


I didn't push the ground in too hard, I just patted it together nicely. Not sure but I think with the ground still soft the roots might be able to push out a little easier and it might grow faster then.

Either or I'm glad I got it in the ground and I'm sure the little sprout feels the same way after sucking on water the entire night!


This is a true story!

The Betty told me that if I use her magic blue genie lamp it might make the plant grow faster. She says it's always worked for her! So I decided not to argue about magic stories and just use it!

I had to be real gentle with it because the ground was still somewhat loose and uncompacted!


Truth be told now it's all down to waiting! Waiting... Well waiting isn't something that I am particularly fond of at all but there is no point in standing next to it to make sure it does actually grow!

Now time will tell if it'll actually endure all it's been through!

I am pretty confident it will though!


So these aren't actually my tiny pots, they are The Betty's! But seeing that she isn't using them I will just have to make a plan to get them filled. They are somewhat smaller than the pot I planted the sprout in but I think it might be pretty usefull to plant a pepper trees in or even herbs.

The pepper tree's might need to be replanted later on but for a start these little pots might do wonders!

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on everything as we go on, I might need to ask the sister how to start with the pepper trees since she has been growing them for years!


Well here is The Betty's little nursery corner!

I decided to keep it in her care for now while it's a little weakling because I really don't want it to die this young!

For now that is all! If this little sprout decides to grow into a strong little onion plant I will be writing up another post for everyone!

As for now I hope everyone has a great week ahead of them and that it'll be filled with only good news!


Dated 24/09/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Oh man I love onion. Gonna try this out too on my balcony :D hope it works out.

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