A Wednesday Walk through the southern tip of the country (Es-Eng)

Que alegría compartir esta caminata con los seguidores de esta hermosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  Gracias a que mi abuela a estado viajado estos dos últimos meses, ha podido fotografiar diferentes lugares hermosos para compartir durante mis posts de caminata

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to share this walk with the followers of this beautiful Wednesday Walk Community:  Thanks to my grandmother traveling these last two months, she has been able to photograph different beautiful places to share during my hiking posts

En estos momentos mi abuela permanece en la ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨, y estará allá hasta el día 13 , ya que está esperando que a mi tío le den el ¨alta¨ ¨médica¨ y evaluar cómo se siente después de eso, no quiere que pase como la vez anterior que se regresó a casa, y a la semana siguiente tuvo que regresar a causa de una recaída que sufrió mi tío

Source: Family Álbum

At the moment my grandmother remains in the ¨city¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨, and will be there until the 13th, since she is waiting for my uncle to be given the ¨medical¨ discharge and to evaluate how he feels after that, she does not want it to happen like the last time when she returned home, and the following week she had to return because of a relapse that my uncle suffered

Por cómo se ve esta evolucionado bien, y mientras se está recuperando está haciendo pequeñas caminatas para adaptar bien a su organismo, y son esos momentos en lo que aprovecha mi abuela para fotografiar el entorno donde caminan, y para ser honesta con todos, me gustan estos lugares naturales preciosos que tiene esta hermosa ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

From the looks of it, he's progressing well, and while he's recovering he's taking short walks to adapt his body well, and it's those moments that my grandmother takes advantage of to photograph the surroundings where they walk, and to be honest with everyone, I like these beautiful natural places that this beautiful city has

Si bien en esta oportunidad están caminado mi tío, mi abuela y mi prima Alaia, en dos oportunidades estuve de visita en la ciudad y me encantan estos lugares para caminar, es más, estoy viendo las fotografías mientras escribo el post, y no puedo evitar recordar mis caminatas por estas preciosas colinas que nos regalan precias vistas de los paisajes del sur

Source: Family Álbum

Although on this occasion my uncle, my grandmother and my cousin Alaia are walking, I have visited the city on two occasions and I love these places to walk. In fact, I am looking at the photographs while I write the post, and I can't help but remember my walks through these beautiful hills that give us precious views of the southern landscapes

Gracias a que mi abuela llevo con ella su ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ tengo estas preciosas fotografías para compartir con todos el entorno de caminatas que hicieron mis familiares. Genial participar de este hermoso ¨WednesdayWalkContest¨:  del señor @tattoodjay

Source: Family Álbum

Thanks to my grandmother carrying her "mobile phone" "Motoe7plus" I have these beautiful photographs to share with everyone of the hiking environment that my relatives took. Great to participate in this beautiful ¨WednesdayWalkContest¨:  by Mr. @tattoodjay


Source: Family Álbum


It's great that your grandmother was able to travel and take these beautiful photographs of the south of the country so that you have them for your posts.

Grandma is a genius, she is always thinking about the photographs for my posts, and she also takes beautiful shots, like these from the south of the country.

Me gusta demasiado esta caminata, sobre todo por el recorrido entre los árboles, es maravilloso, gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

La zona de colinas de la ciudad es preciosa e ideal para caminar
Gracias a ti @avdesing por apreciar estas fotografias


Your grandmother is really an amazing photographer. :)

Hello sir @untilwelearn
my grandmother does a good job taking pictures

looks like a beautiful area for a walk

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk and have a great day

Good morning sir @tatuajedjay
The hill is a beautiful place for a walk and taking pictures without a doubt
Have a beautiful day