Think But Never Worry About Tomorrow: Wednesday Walk

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

Well Hello There Fellow Hivers!

It's Wednesday Mah Dudes!

Now before I kick this one of by spitting down my thoughts onto "paper" I would like to point out how fast time flies and doesn't at the same time.

I didn't make a Wednesday Walk post last week, I don't know why but that doesn't matter and as I scrolled back to see if I did make one the previous week (I saw that I did of-course) and I noticed that it was during the week that there was a wildfire raging through our farm.

The first thing that came to mind was that "That was only a mere two weeks ago. It felt like at-least four weeks ago and thinking how it could have been only two weeks. Damn frightening.

Well I would be lying if I said that I went on this walk today, I didn't and from what I can take with this photo is that I must have took it somewhere during the covid period where I roamed around taking photos all day.

This one I can't really place, of-course I can't place all of the photos but I do somewhat recall taking them. This one though... ehhh, not so sure. Might have landed in there one way or another.

Judging from where the sun is sitting this was around the middle or early end of summer here in South Africa. Right around the time covid hit the world.


Same photo as the one above but the thought with this one was to catch the cloud rolling in. (Must have been good rain.)

I also added some graininess to the filters giving it more of an aged look and after all it really is since the photos are aged. Somehow it feels more fitting in a weird way. (Okay okay, I'll be stopping now this is a Wednesday Walk post not a Photography Lovers post.)

That is one thing I miss from the Covid era that we had and it was freedom, freedom in a weird way though. It felt as if everyone truely minded their own business, no one dared bother the next.

It's not like we just sat at home doing nothing, well rather us for that matter because we had a farm and on the farm there is always something that needs doing. While most people were locked into their own square little boxes we were subjected to stay right here in our little nature reserve. I think we had it easier than most!

It was different a whole lot different, besides the world that was busy ending life was great. I woke up in the mornings got myself a fresh cup of coffee and enjoyed the day as the early morning hours grew into the morning hours with the birds chirping loudly and a light coldish morning breeze flowing past your cheeks. I had time for everything I wanted to do! No wonder after that I didn't really HIVE anymore because it might have felt like I had no time left on my hands.


One thing is for sure and with this one I can say I did stretch a muscle or two to get the photo, well in truth I did stretch muscles with all of them just not as recently with most. 🤣

I like the morning sun, it's beautifull and I mean who could argue with me? Look at the brightness of it, it is as if the early sun is more crisp but why is that? Why does the sun glares look different between rising and setting. Hmmmm I think I need to ask The Betty this question... perhaps I'll break her head too.

Mehhh, I don't even know what tree this is so I won't even try!


I Just Got To Congratulate Myself On My Failures!

I have absolutely no idea what even went wrong here. As far as I had it I went ahead and removed that little twiggy that was sticking out the top of the Desert Rose but clearly I never did that or if I did I never took photos again after that.

However they still have a nice vibrant look to them. I wonder what would happen if I started pulling one of these apart and get a big clear patch of ground and stick them all in and start nurturing them. I am almost certain a whole garden of these will pop up over the course of a few months ey!

Now that is one thing I want when I get my own yard someday. A garden full of cactus flowers and a potato garden. Actually a potato garden above anything else!


This one, well let's not even dive into it. It would have made such a great photo if only I had the focus on it right, oh and the little twiggy removed.

One thing that I've learned out of life is that there is no need to worry about things that is already set in stone. What is the purpose behind it? What will be gained other than more unwanted weight on one's shoulders?

More than often a shot you knew was coming and still braced for it hits you harder than an unexpected blow. The only shock you get from those is in-fact the unexpectedness of the whole situation.

Isn't it?

Sorry Folks, perhaps next week I'll be a little more prepared, I was planning on writing something else up for today and things didn't exactly pan out that way. But at-least you were able to take a dive into my thoughts and how I process them, I think....


Dated 19/07/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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I believe that such walks offer beautiful moments that refresh the mind and nourish the soul. It's great to see you sharing your thoughts and capturing your Wednesday walk with photos. Focusing on enjoying today rather than worrying about tomorrow is an important lesson and I totally agree. The photos exude the beauty and serenity of nature and the content gave me enough positive vibes!! :)

So cool seeing all the photos, I like the feel the grainy feel gives to those ones

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)


@tipu curate

Stunning post and great food for thought. I especially love your sunscapes! Beautiful!