5 minute freewrite Thursday prompt back in print

in Freewriterslast year

This is my post for #freewriters Thursday prompt back in print hosted by @mariannewest

My husband came home early today, he never caught a fish. So I guess I did good by not being able to go the last two days. He also fixed my brake line, he had to buy a new one and put it on, the old one had a hole wore in it. I think now all of the brake lines have been replaced in my truck.

I do not know about being back in print but I am back on the road. I was asked as to why I do not get a new truck. The main reason is because I am very comfortable driving this truck. The only thing that I do not like is parking it. They are making the parking spots smaller, I take up the entire thing, plus I am skinny so I do not need much room to get out of the door when someone parks next to me.

Another reason I like it is it is not made of fiberglass, it is steel, the back half is wood because we used to grow clams and hauled them in my truck which rusted the bed out so we built this wooden bed for it. This is another reason I like it, we put a lot of work into building the bed. We built all the sides to be removable for making it easier to load and unload things, on the drivers side we cut the side into two sections to make a small part to lift out when I load and unload my gas cans, we did this so I did not need to lift the entire side off.

I have had two different men ask me If I wanted to sell it, one said he would trade me title for title, he had a new diesel that looked mighty fine. It is the engine that they are excited about. I am told that they do not make this enginge anymore and it is the best engine they ever made. I only have 150,000 miles on it which is nothing for a diesel. I do not know why they do not put this engine back in print unless it is because it lasts too long and if they make more of them, they will not sell as many new trucks because these are still running.

Now that it is fixed, the wind is to start blowing tomorrow and this weekend it is to get down to the 30s so now the river water will turn cold again, so there will be nothing to catch until it warms back up. When that happens, I will be ready.
photo is mine


Diesel and new pollution standards ... hang on to that one because you will NEVER see its like again...

I am doing my best to keep it.

I'm glad your truck got fixed 🙌. I drove my car until it rusted out. I don't need a fancy car or expensive car payment. Have a wonderful evening. 😊

I feel the same way, I only care if it can get me to where I want to go and then home, and this truck has a long-lasting engine in it.

That's what counts 👏!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 138 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you @pixresteemer


thank you @eii

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