Today Was My Recognition Day

in Threespeaklast year (edited)

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Good evening, everyone.

Today was my recognition day. It was very early, and we left the house around 6:30 a.m. The program started at 8 a.m. It was fun seeing my classmates again. I am happy to be on the honor roll again and also an awardee this school year. It was a tough year, but all my hard work and sleepless nights paid off. This award and medal means a lot and made my parents proud. It's a little sad because my dad could not attend because he is in the US, but he called me on Messenger today. My mom took a short video while I was on stage, and this is what you are going to see here on my post.

It was a tiring day for me, but it was a great day. That's all, and thank you for watching. Have a great day, everyone.

(Your 10-year-old friend)

June 26, 2023

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Congrats Nani! You're so amazing!

Thank you @wittyzell

Good job, Nani ♥️ Love you!

Thank you, mommy. I love you 😘

Congrats nani...I'm very proud of you🤗..

Thank you, tita Jean 😊

Congratulations!!!, your parents must be proud of you.

Thank you @georgehive 😊

Thanks @naniplayergamer for re logging my post 🙂

You're welcome 🙂

Congratulations bunso. Your mom and dad were so proud of you.😍

Thank you, tita Zehn 😊

Your welcome bunso.


Congrats, Nani! and good luck sa new school year. Enjoy your vacay! 😄

Thank you very much po ☺️

Congratulations! Job well done, Nani!


Thank you very much, tita Cindee ☺️☺️

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