My Actifit Report Card: November 28 2022

in Actifit2 years ago (edited)

I was prepared early for going out as always. @kam5iz says that i rush into things. We had breakfast late. so we had at least 2-3 hours for cycling before lunch. Having a meal in the right time is very important to me. Maybe because I'm a foodie. Food makes me feel comfortable and being hungry agitate me.
Milo was upset because she saw the bicycles and she knew that she's not coming with us. While waiting for kam5iz i took Milo out and we walked a little in our alley.
We started our cycling journey around 2:30 in the afternoon. After about 30 minutes we arrived at this location. We stopped by to drink water and take some photos.

When i was reviewing our photos later that day. This photo caught my attention. I never pose this way! What is happening to me?

One the many social demands that we have in Iran is the right of freedom of expression.

In schools and society they use to say that a woman without a hijab is a bad woman and she's like a prostitute.

That's why many women like myself used to sensor their womanhood, a part of their existence and be more like a man to be able to live in the society more comfortable.

But this spell is being broken Now.
We are taking our womanhood back.
We are putting an end to this double life that they've put us through.

We had a great cycling experience in the woods. Sometimes we had to carry our bikes because of the slopes.

The forest was beautiful but when we arrived at the road i was happy because i was psyched for speed.

I'm in love with speed. I wish to have a motorcycle one day. I will buy one very soon. Right my love @kam5iz ? 😜

This is my chart of speed.

And this is our route.

Although this isn't my longest ride. I've lost access to my previous Strava account and this is a new one.

We passed by the populated area of a village called Darunkola. We had a portable speaker and i played some revolutionary songs🎶 😅

And i shouted :


Some old men in the village were shocked by seeing me. It was like I'm from another planet! 😄

We saw these amazing creatures in a lake😍

We passed a bridge and this was our view.

Around 6:30 pm we arrived at this place and we had some chicken.

I was a little cold but looking at this fire made me happy and warm.

It was a nice atmosphere but they can improve the lighting lol😅

We head back to our home from a new route. I love riding in the dark. It calms me and excites at the same time.

Our last stop was a supermarket in our neighborhood. We shopped some groceries and had a coffee.

It was a great ride.

Look at this gorgeous night vision glasses of @kam5iz. It's like dream when i ride with you. I love YOU and living with you so much. You are so cool and warm at the same time.❤️🤗

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



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I've just written a song about a tortilla.
Well, it is more of a rap really.

Credit: reddit
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Waw. This is awesome.
The photos in your post are natural and unique.
Cycling on roads alone is fun.
Imagine the fresh air of the forest?
Thank you for sharing your today's experience with us today.
Do have a great week.

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Thank you so much!✨🌺
I love and adore Alive community!😍

You're so welcome! That's what the Alive Tribe is all about, spreading love and gratitude! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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